The Controversy of Polygamy in Canada

Polygamy, practice having one spouse time, long topic controversy Canada. While illegal enter polygamous marriage Canada, debates court cases surrounding legality practice. Let`s explore the current status of polygamy in Canada and the various perspectives surrounding this complex issue.

Legal Status

As now, Polygamy is illegal in Canada under section 293 of the Criminal Code, states anyone practices enters polygamous marriage guilty indictable offense liable imprisonment up five years. This law applies to both Canadian citizens and non-citizens living in Canada.

Controversy Debate

Despite the clear legal stance on polygamy, there have been challenges to this law on the grounds of violating religious freedom and individual rights. In 2011, the Supreme Court of British Columbia ruled that the law prohibiting polygamy was constitutional, but it also acknowledged that the practice is complex and raises significant social and legal issues. The court highlighted concerns about the potential harm to women and children in polygamous communities, as well as the clash between religious freedom and the state`s interest in preventing harm.

Case Studies

One high-profile case that brought attention to the issue of polygamy in Canada is the Bountiful, British Columbia, community, which is associated with the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (FLDS). The Canadian government`s efforts to prosecute individuals in this community for practicing polygamy faced legal challenges, and the case prompted a reexamination of the law and its application in modern society.


While there is limited data on the prevalence of polygamy in Canada, a report by the Canadian Research Institute for Law and the Family suggests that there may be as many as 500 polygamous families in the country. This is a small but significant number that reflects the ongoing presence of polygamous relationships despite the legal prohibition.

The debate surrounding the legality of polygamy in Canada is far from settled. It is a complex issue that raises questions about religious freedom, individual rights, and the protection of vulnerable members of polygamous communities. As the legal landscape continues to evolve, it is essential to consider the diverse perspectives and implications of polygamy on Canadian society.


Legal Contract: Polygamy in Canada

In consideration of the laws and legal practice in Canada, this contract addresses the legality of polygamy in the country.

Legal Analysis


Is Polygamy Legal in Canada? Your Top 10 Legal Questions Answered

Question Answer
1. What is the current legal status of polygamy in Canada? Polygamy is illegal in Canada under section 293 of the Criminal Code. This law prohibits any form of polygamy, including both religious and secular polygamous unions.
2. Can individuals in Canada be prosecuted for practicing polygamy outside of the country? Yes, Canadian law allows for the prosecution of individuals who participate in polygamous unions outside of the country if they are Canadian citizens or permanent residents.
3. Are there any exceptions to the law against polygamy in Canada? No, exceptions law against polygamy Canada. Even if the individuals involved consent to the practice, it is still considered illegal.
4. What are the potential legal consequences of participating in a polygamous union in Canada? Individuals who are found guilty of practicing polygamy in Canada can face imprisonment for up to five years.
5. How does Canadian law view polygamous marriages that were legally solemnized in other countries? Even if a polygamous marriage was legally recognized in another country, it is not valid under Canadian law. Canadian authorities do not recognize polygamous unions for any legal purposes.
6. Are there any movements to legalize polygamy in Canada? There have been some movements to challenge the law against polygamy in Canada, but as of now, the prohibition remains in place.
7. What is the government`s rationale for prohibiting polygamy in Canada? The government`s rationale for prohibiting polygamy is to protect the rights and well-being of individuals, particularly women and children, who may be negatively impacted by polygamous unions.
8. Can individuals in Canada have multiple concurrent common-law partnerships? While polygamy is illegal, individuals in Canada can have multiple concurrent common-law partnerships as long as they are not legally married to more than one person at the same time.
9. How does Canadian law handle custody and support issues in cases of polygamous relationships? In cases of polygamous relationships, Canadian law addresses custody and support issues based on the best interests of the children involved, taking into account the specific circumstances of each case.
10. Are there any religious or cultural considerations that could impact the legality of polygamy in Canada? While Canada values religious and cultural diversity, the law against polygamy applies regardless of any religious or cultural beliefs that may support the practice.